DTAUS File Generation COM-Dll, Version
:: What is a DTAUS file?

DTAUS (DatenTrägerAustausch) is a file format used by german credit institutes in order to manage money exchanges between accounts. This format is used for exchanges between both banks and banks as well as banks and their customers.

The main advantage of it is that customers (mainly companies and associations) can easily manage their monthly exchanges: fees and saleries and other kind of bank payments, by grouping together a large number of bank operations in a standard way and have them handled together.

Are you looking for a dll for the DTAZV format? Check it out here

:: GCDtaus Library: Features and limitations
This library is a Windows COM-DLL (sometimes called ActiveX), that can generate DTAUS files.
As there are no other scopes needed but the generation of this file, GCDtaus advantages rely in its extremely ease usage and its very low footprint.

Being a Windows COM component, it can be used programatically in a large number of application scenarios.

Limitations (by design)
-This library is targeted for non-bank customers.
-Only Lastschrift and Gutschrift types of payments are supported (as these are 99% the cases).
-One DTAUS File = one payment type.

:: Documentation
The GCDtaus library has a very simple and intuitive interface. You can see here a detailed API documentation.

A Visual Basic example
An Excel Macro example, of how to use the library.

:: Download
Click here to agree the shareware license and download the application.
:: How to install
Click here for help installing the application.
:: Register your copy
Find out how to register your copy.
:: How to contact us
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:: Have you already checked our DTAZV-Dll?