Example of using the GCDtaus-Dll
Here is an example of how incredible easy is to use the GCDtaus Object Model to generate a Dtaus file.

If you haven't yet, please take a short look at the API documentation to familiarize yourself with the objects that compose the library.

(This is a Visual Basic example. Remember that you must have a reference pointing to the 'GCDtaus.dll'in order to use its objects.)

'Declare the objects we are going touse. 
Dim dtaus As DtausDatei 
Dim meineBankInfo As MeineInfo 
Dim transfer As GeldTransfer 

'Initialize an instance of DtausDatei, the main class. 
Set dtaus = New DtausDatei
'Set the complete path and name of the dtaus file. 
'Note that the name 'dtaus0' is standard convention for the file'sname. 

dtaus.Pfad = "C:\\dtaus0" 

'Get a reference to the MeineInfo object,
'that was created internally by DtausDatei object
Set meineBankInfo = dtaus.GetMeineInfo 

'Set MeineInfo object properties... ' 
meineBankInfo.DateiMedia = MediaTyp.Diskette 
meineBankInfo.GeldTransferTyp = TransferTyp.Lastschrift 
meineBankInfo.BLZ = "50652124" 
meineBankInfo.Konto = "1234567890" 
meineBankInfo.Name = "Firma XYZ GmbH"

'For each bank operation we want our dtaus to contain,
'create a GeldTransfer object and set its properties accordingly. 

Set gt = New GeldTransfer
gt.BLZ = "..."
gt.Konto = "..."
gt.BetragEuro = "..."
gt.Name = "..."
gt.VerwendungsZweck = "..."
'Add the transfer to the DtausDatei-file
dtaus.AddGeldTransfer gt

'Repeat this steps of creating a GeldTransfer object and adding it 
'to the DtausDatei-file  for each payment you want to be included 
'in the dtaus file
'At the end, call DtausDatei's Generate method to have the file generated and you're done!
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