GCDtaus Dll API Documentation (Version
Class: DtausDatei

The main class, represents an abstraction of a dtaus file.
Use its GetMeineInfo property to obtain a reference to the MeineInfo object that encapsulates all your data (Konto, BLZ, etc) and some of the overall settings( AktuellesDatum, AusfürungsDatum etc ).
For each payment create a GeldTransfer Object, set its properties and add it to the DtausDatei inner collection, by calling the AddGeldTransfer method.
At the end call the Generate() method to build the dtaus file.
(it will be created at the path you have specified in the Pfad property)

Properties: Pfad : String [Let]
Sets the path, were the dtaus file will be generated.
GetMeineInfo : MeineInfo [Get]
Returns a reference to a MeineInfo object that encapsulates all your properties.
Methods: AddGeldTransfer( gt as GeldTransfer )
Add a new GeldTransfer object to the collection.
(See GeldTransfer documentation for details)
Generate() as String
This method generates the dtaus file.
Check the returníng String value, it contains an error message if an error has occured.
Voraussetzungen: The requiered MeineInfo properties are set and at least one GeldTransfer was added.
Class: MeineInfo

Encapsulates all your data -as dtaus file creator- and a few other properties.

Properties: Name : String [Let]
Your Name.
Valid values: non-empty String, a maximum length of 27 chars.
Konto : String [Let]
Your Konto number.
Valid values : a String representation of a numeric value. May have maximum 10 digits.
BLZ : String [Let]
Your Bankleitzahl.
Valid values : a String representation of a numeric value. Must have exactly 8 digits.
GeldTransferTyp : TransferTyp [Let]
Establish the type of bank transactions this dtaus file will contain.
Valid values : one of the TransferTyp enumeration values (Lastschrift or Gutschrift).
Note: All the payments included in this file will have the same type.
DateiMedia : Media [Let]
Sets the dtaus file's media support.
Valid values : one of the Media enumeration values (Diskette or Kassette).
Set it as 'Kassette' only if you use kassette as storage system to send the file to the bank, set 'Diskette' otherwise.
AktuellesDatum : String [Let]
File's creation date.
This field is initialized by default with the computer's date.
Valid values : a String representation of a Date in the following format: TT/MM/YY (or replace '/' with any non-digit separator) or TTMMYY .
AusführungsDatum : String [Let][optional]
The actual execution date.
You can specify -through the mean of this field- that you wish the bank to perform the payments at this date. Valid values : a String representation of a Date in the following format: TT/MM/YYYY (or replace '/' with any non-digit separator) or ZZMMYYYY .
Its value must be bigger then AktuellesDatum value but within 15 calendar days, after it.
FreieReferenz : String [Let][optional]
Free field.
Valid values : a String representation of a numeric value, maximum 10 digits.
Methods: MeineInfoIsValid() : Boolean
Convenience method, returns True if all the fields have valid values, False otherwise.
MeineInfoErrors() : String
Return a String representation of all errors that the fields contain. Use it in conjuction with MeineInfoIsValid().
Class: GeldTransfer

Each GeldTransfer object encapsulates one payment's attributes.
It's, also, just a collection of properties.
Each of those properties is very well defined in terms of the values they can hold (See each property for details).

Properties: Name : String [Let]
Pasiv Seite Name.
Valid values: a non-empty String, maximum length: 27 chars.
Name2 : String [Let] [optional]
Optionally sets a further Name for the other side of the transaction.
Valid values : a non-empty String, maximum length: 27 chars.
Konto : String [Let]
Konto of the other side of the transaction.
Valid values: a String representation of a numeric value. May have maximum 10 digits.
BLZ : String [Let]
BLZ of Pasiv Seite Name.
Valid values: a String representation of a numeric value. Must have exactly 8 digits.
[deprecated beginning with version]
BetragEuro : String [Let]
Betrag, i.e. amount of money to be transferred (without VAT).
Valid values: the string representation of an numeric value, expressed as a maximum 11 digits number(including 2 after-comma-digits).
Important! Argument is interpreted as the value in Euro, without Value Added Tax (VAT). VAT (19%) is automatically added, i.e. same meaning als BetragNetto.
[new in version]
BetragEuroNetto : String [Let]
Betrag, i.e. amount of money to be transferred without VAT.
Valid values: the string representation of an numeric value, expressed as a maximum 11 digits number(including 2 after-comma-digits).
Important! Argument is interpreted as the value in Euro, without VAT. VAT (19%) is automatically added, i.e. same as BetragEuro. Only for backwards compatibility with more meaningfull name. It is recommended to use BetragEuroBrutto instead and handle all VAT-related handling in own application (easier when VAT or VAT-handling changes).
[new in version]
BetragEuroBrutto : String [Let]
Betrag, i.e. amount of money to be transferred.
Valid values: the string representation of an numeric value, expressed as a maximum 11 digits number(including 2 after-comma-digits).
Important! Argument is interpreted as the value in Euro. Value is not changed, i.e. no VAT is added. Recommended for all future use.
[currently unsupported, usage will corrupt DTAUS-file]
FreieReferenz : String [Let] [optional]
An optional field. You can use it to add some custom data that you may find useful for further file processing, etc.
Valid values: the string representation of an numeric value, expressed as a maximum 13 digits number.
VerwendungsZweck : String [Let]
Payment's reason.
Valid values : maximum 27 chars.
VerwendungsZweck2 : String [Let][optional]
Optional Field: further value for VerwendungsZweck. Valid values : maximum 27 chars.
VerwendungsZweck3 : String [Let][optional]
Optional Field: further value for VerwendungsZweck. Valid values : maximum 27 chars.
[new in version]
VerwendungsZweck4 - 14 : String [Let][optional]
Optional Field: further value for VerwendungsZweck. Valid values : maximum 27 chars.
MeineInfoName2 : String [Let][optional]
Another optional field: can hold a further value for MeineInfo's Name feld. Valid values : maximum 27 chars.
Methods: InputFieldsValid() : Boolean
Convenience method, returns True if all the fields have valid values, False otherwise.
InputFieldsErrors() : String
Return a String representation of all errors that the fields contain. Use it in conjuction with InputFieldsValid().
Enumeration: MediaTyp

Define the values the field MeineInfo.Media can have.

Values: Diskette
Enumeration: TransferTyp

Define the values the field MeineInfo.GeldTransferTyp can have. can have.

Values: Lastschrift
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